UI Developer Interview Questions and Answers
by Nithyanandham, on Sep 11, 2022 3:26:47 PM
Q1. What’s your understanding of UI design?
Ans: This question was highly asked in the interview process, I used to recite the definition of UI design and user interface design principles without missing a single word. However, they seem all failed. For me with no experience in UI design, they refused me for I even didn’t really know what UI design is about. Then I learned this is absolutely not a definition on explaining question, what really matters is to add your personal views towards UI design. But the precondition is you must understand what UI design is pretty well.
Q2. What is the average working day of a UI designer?Ans: I admit that I kinda answer this question just echo what others have said. As a UI designer, you are work with other designers, developer and project managers, etc. The key point is to talk about it within a team. You may begin your workday with discussing the work and problems with your members. Then focus on how to do it and how to make the plan works, especially for those key areas. Also, do not forget to mention you are keep informed of what’s happening in UI industry so you can learn new development daily.
Q3. How do you get to know UI design?
Ans: This question is more asked to those lack of experience of UI design, as for me. What really matters is not the way you get to know it, but if the way can provide you a right and comprehensive understanding of UI design. Moreover, make it a chance to show you are following some one expert in UI design and keep learning from those via Blogger, Facebook or any other channels. Meanwhile, you show that you are studying in some UI app and UI websites
Q4. What Are The New Form Elements Introduced In HTML5?
Ans: Here is the list of new form elements available in HTML5.
- <datalist> –It specifies a list of options for input controls.
- <keygen> –This tag generates an encryption key.
- <output> –It defines the result of an expression.
Q5. What Are The New DocType And Charset In HTML5?
Ans: The DocType element communicates the HTML version to the browser. It usually appears in the first line of code of an HTML page. Unlike the earlier versions/standards of HTML, DocType has got a simplified format in HTML5.
<!doctype html>
The CharSet is a new meta tag attribute in HTML5 which configures the character encoding.
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
Q6. What Are The Various Elements HTML5 Has Added For Media Content?
Ans: Following HTML5 elements supports media content.
- <audio> –It specifies sound content.
- <video> –It links to a video.
- <source> –This tag specified the source of video and audio links.
- <embed> –It acts as a container for external applications.
- <track> –This element defines tracks for video and audio.
Q7. Which is your favorite part about UI design?
Ans: It’s an open question to get an insight into who you are as a UI designer, and to know the motivation and the drive in the job. To answer this question, to list an example is important. I answered user testing attracts me most, for it not only give me feedback and see how it changes the way of the users, but also it relevant to overall design. I have no real experience about it, but if you do, do remember to add more detail like who actually give you feedback and how it helped to improve your work.
Q8. What Are Various Elements That Provide Better Structuring In HTML5?
Ans: Following HTML5 elements focus on improving the structuring.
- <article> –This element allows to specify an article.
- <aside> –It allows to view content other than the page content.
- <bdi> –It lets a part of text getting formatted in a different direction from other text.
- <command> –It displays a button element which processes a command upon user action.
- <details> –It adds additional details that a user can show or hide.
- <dialog> –It initializes a dialog box or popup window.
- <figure> –This element can show illustrations, diagrams, photos, and code listings.
- <figcaption> –It adds a caption for the image specified by a <figure> element.
- <footer> –This tag appends a footer to a document.
- <header> –This tag inserts a header into a document.
- <hgroup> –If a page includes multiple headings, then this tag groups them into a set of <h1> to <h6> elements.
Q9. Describe any projects you have worked in?
Ans: It’s a good chance to share your story. Whether it’s an interesting one or a tough one, make it completed. Remember the five “W” words: who, what, where, when and how. Put emphasis on the process going and why it is so attractive to you. Also, do describe how you play a role in this project with others. This UI design questions and answers are like a story teller who presents a story to a smart listener.
Q10. What Is SVG And Why Do You Use It?
Ans: SVG is an acronym for Scalable Vector Graphics as recommended by W3C.
- Its purpose is to display the vector-based graphics over the Web.
- The graphics use an XML format.
- SVG graphics are of higher quality and does not lose it even when resized.
- All elements and attributes of SVG support animation.
Q11. Describe what your design process is?
Ans: There is no standard design process, it’s alright your design process if different from others. The point is you can describe your process clearly and it reflect your logical and rationale design thinking behind it. However, for insurance, you’d better keep a standard one in your mind and manage your words before the interview. It may include the following aspects: Usability, User Research, User Testing, Information Architecture, Interaction Design, User Interface Design. Also, you should fully understand that design process varies from different UI situations. Once you make your interviewee believe you are able to adapt the best process to deal with a project, your chance towin a success UI designer interview became higher.
Q12. What Is A Canvas? And What Is Its Default Border Size?
Ans: Canvas is an HTML5 element which can draw graphics on the fly with the help of JavaScript. The <canvas> element can only contain graphics. It supports a no. of methods for drawing paths, boxes, circles, text, and images.
By default, It has no border. However, it allows using CSS to change the border style.
Q13. How Does Canvas Differ From SVG?
Ans: Here are a few points elaborating the differences between Canvas and SVG.
- Canvas depends on the resolution whereas SVG doesn’t.
- Canvas does not allow event handlers whereas SVG does provide the support for event handlers.
- Canvas is ideal for graphic-intensive games whereas SVG doesn’t intend for gaming.
- It works well for small rendering areas whereas SVG may perform better for large rendering areas like Google map.
Q14. What is the most difficult task you have encountered when doing UI design?
Ans: It’s to figure out what’s your challenge as a UI designer and how you’ve overcome these to get to where you are now in your career. it’s important to fully explain the context and background to the situation, what the challenge was, how you overcame it and how you’ve managed to turn that negative into a positive in your career. For example, you can say Knowing what will attract the user and keep them hooked to it regularly is one of the biggest challenges. It’s a good UI designer interview questions and answers that UI designer will faces in day to day work.
Q15. Does HTML5 Provide Drag And Drop Facility? How Do You Set An Image As Draggable?
Ans: To set an image as draggable, initialize the draggable attribute with true.
<img draggable="true">