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Magento Interview Questions and Answers 2018

Written by Bharathkumar | Sep 10, 2022 12:10:42 PM

Q1. What is Magento?

Ans: Magento is an open source E-commerce software, created by Varien which is useful for online business and it has a flexible modular architecture. It is scalable and it has many control options that help the user. Magento uses E-commerce platform which offers companies ultimate E-commerce solutions and extensive support network.

Q2.How many platforms of Magento? (updated)

Ans: There are 4 platforms of Magento

  1. Magento Community Edition: fully open souce, the most popular platform of Magento, no support. You can edit everything you want, add new extensions provided by other Magento developers
  2. Magento Enterprise Edition: Paid platform, containing more features and functionnality. This edition is designed for big business with technical support
  3. Magento Go edition: Cloud based platform, hosted by Magento Inc, including built-in Modules and can also add more Magento extensions. This edition was stopped on February 1, 2015
  4. Magento 2: This is a new release of this eCommerce platform which contains many new and improved features, and its architecture is quite different from all the previous versions. Magento 2 was released in July 2015. Since then Magento 1 and Magento 2 have existed simultaneously, but only Magento 2 has new updates.

Q3.What is Payflow Pro?
Ans: The Payflow Pro option is customizable payment gateway which can be used with a merchant account to process credit card transactions.

Q4. Why use Magento?

Ans: The uses of Magento are:

  • Magento is an open source E-commerce software.
  • It is scalable and offers small companies to build a business.
  • It provides the searching and sorting of products in several ways.
  • Easily integrates with many of the third-party sites which are needed to run an effective E-commerce website.
  • Using this, customer can order or purchase the number of products. There are no limits on a number of purchasing products.

Q5. Explain Magento’s MVC architecture

Ans: MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. Any application that separates its data access, business logic and user interface is called MVC. There can be two types of MVC: convention-based and configuration-based. Example, CakePHP is convention-based, i.e. you just need to follow the instructions of the core system to get your module ready in just a few lines. Magento is configuration-based, i.e. you need to specify each and everything to your module’s config file in order to get it to work. Magento has Controller (for Routing), Block, Model, and Template file.
Model: Model is the classes providing data, service related to data and business logic. This class works directly with data and provides data for other elements. In a module, these classes are contained in the Model folder.
View: View is the classes which define data presented method (not update data). These classes are contained in the folder Block of the module.
Controller: Controller is the classes which control application stream. They receive input which is the requirement of users through an HTTP request, transfer those requests to the classes which process the requests directly. From the link, the Router will get to Controller which controls that link. In Magento module, these classes are contained in the controller folder 

Q6. Which are the methods of PayPal Payment Gateways?

Ans: The two methods of PayPal Payment Gateways are:

  1. Payflow Pro (Includes Express Checkout)
  2. Payflow Link (Includes Express Checkout)

Q7. List the web-hosting sites of Magento?

Ans: The Web-Hosting sites of Magento are:

  • SiteGround
  • BlueHost
  • HostGator
  • Inmotion
  • Arvixe
  • site5

Q8. What scripting language and database management system does Magento use?

Ans: Magento uses PHP as a scripting language and MySQL for the database. Database: MySQL 5.6 (Oracle or Percona). PHP version: PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5

Q9. What are the disadvantages of Magento?

Ans: The disadvantages of Magento are:

  • Magento uses larger disk space and memory.
  • It takes much time to build the customized functionality.
  • It is very slow compared to other E-commerce sites.
  • It needs a proper hosting environment, if the hosting environment is improper the user can face the problems.

Q10. How to enable Maintenance mode in Magento?

Ans: To enable Magento Maintenance mode, create  a file named maintenance.flag and upload to your Magento home directory. The file contains the following code:

  $maintenanceFile = 'maintenance.flag';
if (file_exists($maintenanceFile)) {
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/errors/503.php';

Q11. Name the web-server that supports Magento?

Ans: The Web-server that supports Magento are:

  • Apache 2.x
  • Nginx 1.7.x

Q12. What is a static function?

Ans: A static function is a silent function of a class, which is stored in the memory space of a class (not objects)

Q13. What are the Magento products?

Ans: Products are the items or things that are sold in Magento. The product can be anything that is capable of satisfying customer needs. This includes both physical products and services.

Q14. When you make a new EAV module, how many tables will be created?

Ans: When making a new EAV module, there will be 6 tables created including: module, module_datetime, module_int, module_decimal, module_varchar and module_text. Table “Module” is the main entity table, and rest 5 tables which holds attribute’s data in different data types.

Q15. What is the used of 3d secure card validation field in saved cc?

Ans: It is an additional security functionality where the customer needs to provide a credit card password to complete the purchase order.

Q16. Name the product types that are available in Magento?

Ans: The product types available in Magento are:

  • Simple Products
  • Grouped Products
  • Configurable Products
  • Virtual Products
  • Bundled Products
  • Downloadable Products

Q17. How to reset admin password in Magento

Ans: We explained how to reset admin password in Magento using PHPmyadmin in this tutorial.

Q18. What is the inventory?

Ans: Inventory allows setting a product’s stock quantity. For instance, you have a product with 100 units in stock. If you set the stock availability to “Out of Stock” then it will force the item to be out of stock.

Q19. How to create a magento custom module?

Ans: Basically, there are 4 steps to create Magento custom module:
Namespace: Mag
Module Name: Magentoexplorer

  1. Create a module directory Magentoexplorer in app/code/local/Mag
  2. Create controller, block and module files for your module.
  3. Create a module configuration file (app/code/local/Mag/Magentoexplorer/etc/config.xml).
  4. Create an xml file (app/etc/modules/Mag_ Magentoexplorer.xml) so that you can enable or disable the module and tell Magento system from which code pool that module will be taken.

You can take a look at this tutorial to learn how to create a basic Magento custom module:
Or for Magento 2 Building a Magento module from scratch

Q20. What is the used of Zero Subtotal Checkout panel?

Ans: The Zero Subtotal Checkout panel is a payment option that displays when the order total is zero and not required to enter payment details for the customer.

Q21. Name the categories of e-commerce?

Ans: The categories of E-Commerce are:

  • Business to Business(B2B)
  • Business to Consumer(B2C)
  • Consumer to Consumer(C2C)
  • Consumer to Business(C2B)

Q22. What is the code pool in Magento? How many types of code pool in Magento?

Ans: CodePool is a tag that we have to specify while registering a new module in app/etc/modules/Namespace_Module.xml
There are 3 types of code pool: CommunityCore, and Local

Q23. What does rate percent mean in manage tax rate window?

Ans: Rate Percent specifies the percent of the tax rate.

Q24. What does priority field specifies in manage tax rules?

Ans: Priority field specifies when the tax should be applied to other tax rules.