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ITIL Service Transition Interview Questions

Written by Bharathkumar | Sep 9, 2022 4:31:34 AM

1. What is ITIL ?

Systematic approach to high quality IT service delivery.
Provides common language with well-defined terms.
ITIL provide flexible framework to develop service management model for organisation.

2. ITIL based models adopted by organization .

Microsoft MOF
Hewlett – Packard ( HP ITSM Reference Model)
IBM ( IT Process Model )

3. Difference between  ITIL v3 and v2.

Managing services as a portfolio is a new concept in ITIL V3
Service Catalogue Management was added as a new process in ITIL V3

4 What is ITIL service management?

Service management is a set of specialized organizational capabilities for providing values in the form of service.
The act of transforming recourses into services is the core of service management

5  Explain ITIL service Life cycle model .

  1. Service Strategy
  2. Service Design
  3. Service Transition
  4. Service Operation,
  5. Continual Service Improvement

6        Define Service strategy?

How to design, develop and implement service management for organization is define under service strategy.

  • What are we going to provide?
  • Can we afford it?
  • Can we provide enough of it?
  • How do we gain competitive advantage?

7     Define Service Design?

How to design develop services and service management and converting service objective in to range of services.

  • How are we going to provide it?
  • How are we going to build it?
  • How are we going to test it?
  • How are we going to deploy it?

8     Define Service transition.

How to implement services in production as per design services.

  • Coordination and managing of the process
  • Build, test and deploy a release in to production.

9    Define Service operations

How to manage service on an ongoing basis to ensure their objectives are achieved.

Service operation is responsible for all ongoing activates required to support and deliver services.

10    What is continues service improvement (CSI)?

Continues evolution of service and identify ways to improve services.

11        Define Service Management?

Service Management is transforming recourses into valuable services.

12       What is Service process management Process?

Process is a set of activates designed to achieve a definite objective.
Input >> Process >> output.
Process is closed loop.

13      What is service management Measurements?

To manage and control the process it should be monitor and measure.
Four metrics for performance measurement

  • Progress
  • Compliance
  • Effectiveness
  • Efficiency

14      Explain Roles in service management.

Role is a set of connected behaviors or connected actions performed by team or group or person person.
Business Relationship Manager (BRM): BRMs establish a strong business relationship with the customer by understanding the customer’s business and their customer outcomes.
Product Manager (PM): PMs take responsibility for developing and Managing services across the life-cycle, and have responsibilities for Productive capacity.

15      Explain RACI Model.

RACI Model clearly defines roles.
Responsible – Person responsible to get job done.
Accountable –person accountable for each task.
Consulted    – people who are consulted.
Informed – People who are inform on the progress.

16     What is RACI-VS.

Verifies – person who checks whether the acceptance criteria have been met.
Sign off – give the sign off to the project

17    Explain Service Strategy?

Service strategy represents policies and objectivises to achieve service goal.
Help management to achieve goal.
Determine services

18     Four Ps of Service Strategy?

Perspective                >> Vision and direction
Pattern                       >> Way of doing activates
Position                      >> Basis on which the provider will compete
Plan                            >> How to achieve the goal

19       Explain Service strategy process?

  1. Define the market.
  2. Define services and potential customers.
  3. Develop the offerings.
  4. Design the service.
  5. Develop strategic asset.
  6. Develop service as strategic asset
  7. Prepare for executions.
  8. Implement the service.

20     Explain Service portfolio, Service catalogue and service pipeline.

Service portfolio –>Defines services provided by service provider across all Market and all customers.

Service Catalogue –>Is the sub set of Service portfolio .Services ready to offer to  customer is listed in service catalogue.
Service Pipeline –>Is consist of services under development.

21    Explain Retired services.

In service portfolio services which are not in use/outdated due to existing Internal/External constrain are called retired services.

22        Explain Financial Management?

In service strategy finanancial management covers budgeting accounting and charging requirements.
Budgeting     >> Provide sufficient funds to run business Cost and income estimation .
Accounting   >>  provide management information on the cost. Cost analysis and reporting.
Charging       >> providing funds by charging back to client

23    Return on  Investment?

Investment of some resource yielding a benefit to the investor.
Return on investment (%) = Net profit / Investment × 100

24     Explain service Portfolio Management?
SPM is managing all services across the organisation.

Define    >              Business requirement
Analyse  >             Plan
Approve  >            Get approvals
Charter   >             Deploy

Service portfolio contains all services (  In pipeline/Catalogue/Retired  )

25      Explain Service package.

Set of services available to deliver to customer.

Service package contain
Core Service package
Details description of core service.

Service level package
Level of service offered  Diamond gold silver..

26     BRM Business Relationship management.

Establish relating ship with customers, understand customers and fulfil customers need.

27        Explain Service Design?

Design new or changed service  for introduction in to live environment .

1 Improve Quality of service.
2 Effective services.
3 Improve decision making.

28     What are types of service provider?

Type I    >>   Internal service provider.
Physically located in the organization which it serve.

Type II   >> Shared services.
These are autonomous units in the organization like Finance HR.

Type III >>  External service provider having specific expertise. Consolidate need and
Offer competitive price.

29    What is service design package?
SDP  document  contain  all requirements through each stage of its lifecycle.

  • Four P’s of design
  • People
  • Product
  • Processes
  • Partners/Suppliers

30      Service design aspects ?

Set of services available to deliver to customer.

  • Identify business needs.
  • Service portfolio design.
  • Technology architecture.
  • Process design
  • Measurement design

31     What are the different sourcing options?

1 In sourcing       Utilize internal organization.
2 Out sourcing    hire external organization.
3Co _sourcing     Combination of In sourcing & Out sourcing.
4 KPO                   Knowledge process outsourcing
5BPO                     Business process outsourcing

32     Explain Service catalogue management.

SCM Process makes sure service catalogue is created, maintained and contain accurate information.


Define the service.
Create correct service catalogue.
Link service catalogue with service portfolio.
Link supporting services with service catalog.

33     Types of service catalogue?

Business service catalogue is as per customer view .It is maintain for each business unit.
Technical service catalogue contain information about all IT services.

34     What is the type of services?

Customer – facing services
These services fascinate customer directly. These are  core services .
Example HR services

Supporting services
Support customer services and not seen directly by costumer
Email service for HR

35     What is Service level Management?

The goals of SLM as defined by ITIL are to maintain and improve IT service quality through a constant cycle of agreeing, monitoring, and reporting upon IT service achievements and instigation of actions to eradicate inadequate service in line with business or cost justification.  Through these methods, a better relationship between IT and its Customers can be developed.

36     SLA Types ?

SLA Agreement between External IT service provider and customer.
OLA Agreement between Internal IT service provider and customer.
SLR Service level requirement list of all services.

37     Service Design Availability,  Reliability.

Reliability define service run without interruption
MTBSI (Mean Time between Service Incidents)
MTBSI = Available time in hours /Number of breaks.
MTBF = Total downtime in hours /Number of breaks

38     Service Design Availability Maintainability.

How fast service can be restore after failure.
MTRS Mean time to restore service.
MTRS =Total downtime in hours /Number of service breaks

39     Explain below Availability Terms?

Continuous Availability: design the service to get 100 % availability. This
Service has no unplanned or plan downtime.
Fault Tolerance No interruption in service after the component fail.

40     Calculate Availability /reliability/reliability /maintainability for below  situation

Service is running  7 days * 8 hours and down  running for    2910 hours  with 3 breaks  of  3 ,1 and 6 hours .
Calculate   Reliability (MTBSI)  =   2910 /3 = 970 hours.
Calculate   Reliability ( MTBF ) =   2910 – ( 3+1+6 ) /3  =   870 hours.
Calculate Availability     = 2910 –( 3+1+6) / 2910 *100  =99.65 %.
Maintainability = (1+6+3) = 10 hours.

41     Explain Service Level Management.

SCM Process makes sure service catalogue is created, maintained and contain accurate information.

1 Define the service.
2 Create correct service catalogue.
3 Link service catalogue with service portfolio.
4 Link supporting services with service catalog.

42     Explain capacity management process?

Goal of capacity management is optimization of existing resources and planning future resources.
Review current capacity  è Improve existing capacity è Assess new capacityè Plan new capacity

43     Explain the availability Managements?

Availability Managements ensures level of service availability.
Proactive availability management.
Reactive availability management.

44     Availability management information system.

AAMIS contain
1 AM data and report
2 Availability testing plan
3 Availability plan
4 Availability Design specification and criteria

45      Define Availability.

Availability % = (Available service time –downtime) / Available service time
Time that the service functioned correctly expressed as a percentage the total time it has been agreed that the IT services are to be accessible to users.


Support the business continuity management process.
Ensure It services will be resumed within define time frame.

>          Maintain BCP plans
>          Conduct Regular risk Analysis for IT service
>          BIA Business Impact analysis if no TO service available
>          RA Risk analysis Identify and analysis of risk
>          Define ITSCM plan
>          Test Plan

47     Explain work around or common recovery options

Fast recovery:                  (HOT standby) recovery within 24 hours
Intermediate recovery: service is available in parallel setup, mirroring load balancing
Gradual recovery:           cold standby Recovery within 3 days (more than 24 hours)

48     ITCM process

Initiation ->       get requirement and plan -> implementation-> continues improvement
Initiation ->       define scope
Get requirement and plan-> BIA RA
Implementation -> develop/test/implement plan Continues improvement- > review Audit

49     Explain Information Security management?

ISM ensures protection of information, system provided by IT services to end users.
Information Availability   right information to right person
Confidentiality    disclose information to valid users
Integrity Maintain integrity

50   Explain Security controls/measures.

Preventive Prevent the event that will affect service   Firewall
Reductive    Minimize possible damage
Detective discover the event as soon as possible
Corrective repair damage as soon as possible