Ans: Go is an open-source programming language developed by Google. Its key features include simplicity, concurrency support, garbage collection, and fast compilation.
Ans: Goroutine is a lightweight thread of execution in Go. It enables concurrent programming and allows multiple functions to run concurrently.
Ans: In Go, error handling is explicit. You can use the 'error'
type to represent errors, and functions can return errors to indicate failure. Error checking is typically done using the 'if err != nil'
Ans: Defer is used to schedule a function call to be executed after the surrounding function returns. Panic is used to cause a runtime error and stop the normal execution of a function. Recover is used to catch and handle a panic, allowing the program to continue executing.
Ans: The init function is a special function in Go that is automatically called before the main function. It is typically used for package initialization tasks.
Ans: Go provides Goroutines and channels for concurrent programming. Goroutines are lightweight threads, and channels are used for communication and synchronization between Goroutines.
Ans: Arrays have a fixed size defined at compile time, while slices are dynamically sized and can be resized. Slices are more commonly used in Go.
Ans: Go provides the encoding/json package, which allows you to encode Go data structures into JSON and decode JSON into Go data structures.
Ans: The blank identifier, represented by an underscore (_), is used to ignore a value or a package during compilation or assignment when you don't need it.
Ans: Go provides the os and ioutil packages for file operations. You can open, read, write, and manipulate files using these packages.
Ans: The sync package provides synchronization primitives like Mutex, WaitGroup, and Cond, which are useful for managing shared resources and coordinating Goroutines.
Ans: Go provides synchronization primitives like Mutex and RWMutex to protect shared data from concurrent access. Proper locking mechanisms must be used to ensure data integrity.
Ans: Unlike other programming languages, Go does not have a finally keyword. However, defer statements in Go can be used to achieve similar functionality by scheduling code to run after a function returns.
Ans: Command-line arguments can be accessed using the os.Args variable. It provides a slice of strings where the first element is the program name.
Ans: Go has a built-in testing package called "testing" that provides functions for writing unit tests. Test functions should be named with the "Test" prefix and accept a pointer to the testing.T type as an argument.
Ans: Interfaces in Go are a collection of method signatures. They define behavior that a type must implement. Any type that satisfies the interface implicitly implements the methods defined by the interface.
Ans: The context package in Go is used for managing and propagating cancellation signals, deadlines, and request-scoped values across Goroutines.
Ans: In Go, it's recommended to use the "error return" pattern to propagate errors from Goroutines. Errors can be collected and processed at the caller's level.
Ans: Pointers in Go allow you to directly manipulate memory addresses. They are useful when you want to modify a variable's value directly or when passing large data structures efficiently.
Ans: Go's database/sql package provides a uniform interface for working with SQL databases. It supports various database drivers and provides functions for executing queries, transactions, and managing connections.
Ans: The defer statement in Go is used to schedule a function call to be executed after the surrounding function returns. It is often used for resource cleanup and ensuring certain operations are always performed.
Ans: Concurrent access to maps in Go can lead to race conditions. To safely access maps from multiple Goroutines, you can use synchronization primitives like the sync.Mutex or sync.RWMutex.
Ans: Channels in Go provide a way for Goroutines to communicate and synchronize with each other. They are used to send and receive values between Goroutines, ensuring safe and synchronized communication.
Ans: The "make" function is used to create slices, maps, and channels in Go, while the "new" function is used to allocate memory for a value and return a pointer to it.
Ans: Go uses a concurrent garbage collector that runs concurrently with the program's execution. It automatically detects and reclaims memory that is no longer in use, reducing the burden on developers for manual memory management.