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Top 25 Apigee Interview Question and Answer

Written by Shanmugapriya J | May 31, 2023 3:48:38 AM

1. What is Apigee, and what is its role in API management?

Answer: Apigee is an API management platform that provides tools and services to design, build, secure, and analyze APIs.

2. What are the key components of Apigee?

Answer: The key components of Apigee include Edge Router, Message Processor, Analytics, Developer Portal, and Management Server.

3. What are the benefits of using Apigee for API management?

Answer: Apigee offers benefits such as centralized API management, security features, developer portal, analytics and monitoring, and scalability.

4. Explain the role of the Edge Router in Apigee.

Answer: The Edge Router receives incoming API requests and routes them to the appropriate backend services based on defined policies.

5. How does Apigee ensure API security

Answer: Apigee ensures API security through mechanisms like authentication, authorization, encryption, threat protection, and traffic management policies.

6. What are the different types of authentication mechanisms supported by Apigee?

Answer: Apigee supports various authentication mechanisms, including API key, OAuth, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and Basic Authentication.

7. What is the purpose of quota management in Apigee?

Answer: Quota management allows you to limit the number of API requests a client can make within a specified time period.

8. How can you handle errors and faults in Apigee?

Answer: Apigee provides fault handling policies that allow you to define how errors and faults are handled, including error codes, error messages, and error handling logic.

9. How can you secure sensitive data in transit using Apigee?

Answer: Apigee supports encryption of sensitive data through HTTPS/SSL, ensuring secure transmission of data between clients and backend services.

10.  Explain the purpose of Apigee Analytics.

Answer: Apigee Analytics provides insights into API performance, usage patterns, and user behavior, enabling organizations to optimize their APIs and make data-driven decisions.

11. How can you monetize APIs using Apigee?

Answer: Apigee offers monetization features that allow organizations to create API products, define pricing models, and generate revenue from their APIs.


12. How does Apigee support developer engagement and API consumption?

Answer: Apigee provides a Developer Portal that offers documentation, SDKs, and interactive tools to engage developers and facilitate the consumption of APIs.

13. How can you customize the developer portal in Apigee?

Answer: Apigee allows customization of the developer portal, including branding, UI layout, content creation, and integration with external systems.

14. What are the key features of Apigee Edge Microgateway?

Answer: Apigee Edge Microgateway provides lightweight API gateway capabilities, allowing organizations to deploy APIs closer to the client for reduced latency and improved performance.

15. How can you ensure high availability and scalability with Apigee?

Answer: Apigee supports horizontal scaling by allowing the deployment of multiple instances of its components, and it provides features like load balancing and fault tolerance for high availability.

16. What is the role of API caching in Apigee?

Answer: API caching in Apigee helps improve performance by storing responses from backend services and serving them directly to subsequent requests, reducing the load on backend systems.

17. How does Apigee handle rate limiting?

Answer: Apigee allows you to apply rate limiting policies to control the number of API calls made by a client within a specified time period, preventing abuse and ensuring fair usage.

18. Explain the purpose of API productization in Apigee.

Answer: API productization in Apigee involves bundling APIs, documentation, and policies into consumable packages that can be marketed and monetized as standalone products.


19. How can you implement API versioning in Apigee?

Answer: Apigee supports API versioning through URL-based versioning or by using custom headers or query parameters to differentiate between different API versions.

20. What is the role of API proxies in Apigee?

Answer: API proxies in Apigee act as intermediaries between clients and backend services, providing security, routing, transformation, and analytics capabilities.

21. How does Apigee support multi-cloud and hybrid cloud deployments?

Answer: Apigee allows organizations to deploy its components across multiple clouds or on-premises, providing flexibility and scalability for multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments.

22. How can you monitor API performance using Apigee?

Answer: Apigee provides a comprehensive set of monitoring and analytics tools to track API performance, including response times, error rates, and traffic patterns.

23. How can you implement custom policies in Apigee?

Answer: Apigee allows you to implement custom policies using JavaScript or Java, enabling you to extend the platform's capabilities and implement specific business logic.

24. How does Apigee handle API version retirement and deprecation?

Answer: Apigee provides mechanisms to retire and deprecate API versions, allowing organizations to communicate the end-of-life of older versions and seamlessly transition clients to newer versions.

25. What are the deployment options for Apigee?

Answer: Apigee can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud (public or private), or in hybrid environments, giving organizations flexibility in choosing their deployment model.